Monthly Archives: October 2019

The Musical Influence of the Musician Pablo Casals

This article in my discussion page is based on a valuable book published in 1980 as a paperback is called Pablo Casals and the Art of Interpretation.

It raises so many issues so topical today.

Look up my discussion page in the future to read items post relating to the issues quoted in this paper which are:

  • It was an age where opportunity for much social mobility attracted those who aspired to greater opportunity in education leading to greater financial reward.
  • a plan for the education of children
  • I cannot kill him – and he cannot kill me’. Only in this way can we do away with the impulse for wars.
  • practical conclusions which only experience and talent could arouse
  • Wars, migration, mental health, gender identity, and climate change, as well as poverty to name but a few are the tortuous outcomes of an unhappy impractical world.
  • Technical complexity of music is not necessarily about the awesome dexterity of the performer, a cult in the performers favour; technical dexterity should be used to make the feelings behind the music strong and communicative not to overpower the audience into awe-struck submission by a lie lacking in genuine feeling, the truth.